5th Annual Chabad Global Giving Day


The Pintele Yid, the fire that burns infinitely bright at the core of every Jew.


Chabad of Gloucester County, in action, speech, and thought, seeks to inspire and illuminate the Neshama, the Soul, the Pintele Yid in every Jew across our county—man, woman, child, family, community.


Over the past year, the Jewish Neshama, both the individual and the collective, has been aflame in ways humbling and wondrous. Jewish identity, Jewish pride, Jewish spirit, and Jewish soul have ignited the eternal hope and perseverance of our people.


The events in the Holy Land and beyond have made Jewishness and Yiddishkeit today’s headline. And at the forefront is Chabad and its Shluchim here to facilitate and quench the Yid’s thirst.


In one short syllable, Chabad’s mission is: YID.


It is only befitting that the 5th Annual Chabad Global Giving Day be titled




By divine providence, the last two letters of YID are ID.

More than a fundraiser, this is a campaign of JEWISH ID, Jewish identity, one where every Yid is empowered to Identify Proudly.


Numerous are the ways a Jew identifies proudly and our mission is to help everyone find something that speak to them. For some it’s Chanukah, for others it’s Israel. It could be Jewish Education, Shabbos, Men's & Women's club, Kosher, Tefillin, matzo balls, family, Mezuzah, brisket, Purim, Torah, lox, community, bagels…


And there is one way we can continue to make these actions a reality...with the Mitzvah of Tzedakah.